Verbindend Vermogen

Increase your impact on the other, your team and your organisation.

Connection Quotient book by Marco Buschman
Connection Quotient

How a culture of understanding transforms teams and organizations.

Executive coach with more than 4,100 hours of experience. Worldwide accreditation at the highest level (International Coach Federation – Master Certified Coach, held by just 1,100 people)

International leadership facilitator, has trained and inspired many thousands, and worked with managers from 55+ different countries.

Managing Partner at COURIUS, working for major national and international brands, but also with clients who are less well known but just as ambitious and challenging.

Free chapter –
Powerful leadership
Free chapter – Relationship trust
Video – How teams should operate to achieve the best results
Video – Are you a Human Doing or a Human Being?
Video – Institute of Leadership & Management

7 differences between a group and a team
The 7 differences between
a group and a team
skills of great leaders. Worldwide research by Kouzes & Pszner
The 5 skills of
great leaders
10 behaviours that create trust
10 behaviours that
create trust
Curious to learn more?